The Official Newspaper for Foster County
Chaseley News:
A week ago Sunday, Donavon and Connie Czech helped Kara Knecht celebrate her birthday. Other guests were Merv and Tammy Knecht, and Red and Shelly Hoff.
Connie accompanied Shelly and Red Hoff to the Bowdon Food Fair Sunday night.
Donavon and Connie Czech spent a couple days in Harwood staying with Brooklyn Mindt while she wasn’t feeling well last week.
A week ago Sunday, Freida Tebelius attended the food fair in Bowdon. This was well attended and good food for everyone.
Friday, Freida went to Bismarck for some appointments and returned Wednesday. She stayed with Marsha and Gary Buchwitz. Tuesday night, Freida enjoyed supper with and old classmate of hers at the Buchwitz home.