The Official Newspaper for Foster County
Dear Editor:
I am writing on behalf of the Foster County Historical Society which owns the museum and the Putnam House. At present time, we receive ¼ of a mill from Foster County for operating expenses. We are on the ballot asking for an additional ½ mill.
The museum is an important repository for county history and the Putnam House serves as an attraction and venue for our community.
Currently, the Putnam House needs major outside maintenance which we are unable to afford. The present ¼ mill does not cover our utility and maintenance bills. Fortunately with donations and grants we are able to keep operating.
Here is how an extra ½ mill breaks down: A house with a $100,000.00 true and full value will pay approximately $2.25 per year in additional taxes. A business with a $100,000.00 true and full value will pay approximately $2.50 per year. A house with a $150,000.00 true and full value will pay approximately $3.38 per year. Agricultural land with a true and full productivity value of $127,853.00 (the average value in Foster County) will pay approximately $3.20 per quarter section of land.
We would appreciate your support of the Foster County Historical Society in the upcoming vote.
Cathy Paulson,
Secretary, Foster County Historical Society