The Official Newspaper for Foster County

American Legion, VFW Auxiliary deliver baskets

The American Legion and VFW Auxiliary ladies got together the week before Christmas to make and deliver fruit baskets to our local veterans and their wives who are in nursing/assisted-living homes in Carrington and New Rockford.

They gathered at Marlene Boyer's home to create the baskets . . . a warm, Christmassy, comfortable place to work and think about the sacrifices and service that these men and women had given to our country.

Several of these veterans had served during the Korean War in the early 50's in a snow-covered terrain much like we've seen in our area since the last blizzard. Many men on both sides of the war died at that time due to the type of weather that we've experienced recently in North Dakota.

As the Auxiliary ladies stomped through the snow in a minus-22-degree temperature to deliver the fruit baskets, they thought about the extreme conditions and hardships which many of our veterans experienced . . . away from home, family and friends they loved.

The ladies hoped their fruit baskets would express their love, gratitude and admiration for them . . . and let them know they are still remembered with appreciation for their service to our precious America.