The Official Newspaper for Foster County
Last week’s news:
Fay and Larry Fandrich took Marvin Rodacker out to Carrington, for a birthday dinner on Saturday.
Connie Czech attended Brooklyn Mindt’s dance recital last Sunday afternoon. Brooklyn’s Grandma Linda and Grandpa Roger Lauckner from Carrington accompanied Connie. On Thursday, Connie enjoyed Cooper’s spring concert at Northern Cass School and spent the night at the Mindt home.
Brooklyn came back home with Grandma Connie Friday afternoon. Saturday, Connie attended and enjoyed the Ladies Luncheon at the SDA and afternoon session entitled “Secure.” In the evening, she enjoyed a Mother’s Day supper with Kenton Mindt and his family in Carrington.
Mother’s Day afternoon was card day at Red and Shelly Hoff’s home. Connie and Tammy Knecht were there to play dominoes.
Monday, Pam Rodacker was a Carrington caller.
She helped Fay at her shop on Thursday.
Saturday, Pam went to Mcclusky with Candis Kreiter to attended a Special Women’s Day.
George and Stacy Tebelius, Fargo, came Saturday and spent the night and took Freida to the Bowdon Café for Mother’s Day dinner. After which they went and visited John and Patty Tebelius. George helped Freida out with a few odds and ends around the house before him and Stacy returned home to Fargo.
This weeks news:
Tuesday afternoon, Connie Czech, as well as the Goodrich American Legion Auxiliary members Karen Feickert, Marge Konschak, Shirley Barreth from Goodrich and Loretta Buchwitz and Nancy Reimes from Harvey presented a short Memorial Day program with activities, and cupcakes served at the St. Aloisius Long Term Care.
Connie stopped to visit at Lynda Roller’s for a bit on Friday evening after mowing the church yard. Laurene Heintz also stopped in.
Monday, Judy Hirschkorn and Connie Czech met in Harvey for lunch and to get flowers to plant at the church.
No Bowdon news for this week.