The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Snow removal funds help townships, county

The Foster County Commission learned at their meeting last Tuesday that the county received the reimbursement for season-wide snow removal from the state.

During the meeting held on Wednesday, July 5, deputy auditor Hailey Bachmeier reported that of the $345,775.66 received for snow removal reimbursement for the months of October 1 through April 30, townships will share the money.

Wyard Township will receive the most with $16,882.22 and McKinnon will receive the least at $1,712.53.

But the county itself received $234,861.55 for season-wide snow removal.

In other business:

• In a conversation with an EAPC representative via telephone, the board decided to re-advertise for the work on the courthouse basement.

• The board agreed to transfer $15,712.31 to the public health district account.

Due to a calculation error found by Foster County Auditor Ellen Roundy, they will actually transfer $17,012.31. The other $1,300 will be transferred once they hear back from the board of health.

• A grant of $17,626 for the county will pay for the new door security measure for the courthouse.

The security will cover three doors and the printer, but they won’t know if they received the grant until September 1.

• The board will have the opportunity to view three different tablets via a demonstration on July 18.

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