The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Trader resigns from City Council

Mayor Tom Erdmann reported to the council that councilman Al Trader tendered his resignation from his seat on the council.

During the meeting held on Monday, July 10, a resident of Carrington attended the meeting with complaints about bushes in front of stop signs.

He said he complained seven or eight months ago, but still nothing has been done about trimming the bushes.

Public works director Jason Wolsky told the resident that they have been working on trimming bushes around stop signs.

The resident also asked if the public works department can do something about the alley south of the post office. He said the potholes are large and have been there for a long time.

Erdmann responded by telling the resident that the city only maintains gravel alleys and alleys that are paved are the responsibility of the property owner.

Finally, the resident talked about trains blowing whistles at railroad crossings late at night and early in the morning.

He asked if the city had a "quiet zone" ordinance in which trains cannot blow their whistles between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Erdmann told the resident that the city has no such ordinance.

In other business:

Committee Reports


• Carrington Fire Department Chief Ken Wangen reported they received three calls within the city since the last council meeting.

He explained that there was a small fire at the Federated Church parsonage where a cell phone charger caught on fire.

He said the damage was minimal and there were no injuries.

• Wangen reported that there were a few dumpster fires on the 4th of July.

• Wangen reported that all of the fire trucks will escort the hearse for the Howard Nelson funeral.

• Finally, Wangen reported that an open house at the fire hall on August 9 will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the building.


• The police department will receive new tasers through a grant from the New Rockford Eagles Club.

• The city received a $19,440.49 snow removal grant.

• The city has a new website with new features.

• Mayor Erdmann wants to promote auto pay for water bills and such.

• The city is sponsoring an animal vaccination/license clinic on July 26.


The minutes of the CCEDC board were presented to the council.

• A funding request was received from Gabrielle Hewitt (UpNorth Speech & Myology) for start-up costs for her new business.

The board approved a grant of $5,000.

• A funding request was received from the City Library for new shelving units for books.

The board approved a grant of $3,986.

• A donation request from Police Chief Christopher Bittmann was received for the child safety and drug prevention program for children and adults in the community.

A donation was approved in the amount of $600.

• The CCEDC office will receive new signage with their new logo for the front door not to exceed $750.


The minutes of the CVB board were presented.

• A discussion on an idea from JK Designs for the back of the informational kiosk in the park was held.

• The board discussed spending $350 on radio advertising for the Central City Bash on July 28 and 29.


• The police department want to sell their charger to the county, but city attorney Abbey Gereaux said they must put it out on bids if the value is over $2,000 according to a city ordinance.


• The tree board may receive a forest service grant to remove trees and another grant to plant new trees.


• The runway and taxiway rehab project is completed and closed out.


• Wolsky reported that the Kelly Hagel project is moving forward.

• The west-side water project had a second boring under CP Rail. Wolsky said the bore went through, but had issues when pulling it out.

• Mosquito spraying is moving forward.

• Lift station #3 had an issue, but has since been repaired.

• The shingling on the roof of City Hall has been completed.

• The new time clock system is working well.


• The city received 18 new building permits in the month of June.


• Organizational Review

• Police