The Official Newspaper for Foster County

International Overdose Awareness Day

Observed on August 31 every year, International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) seeks to create better understanding of overdose, reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths, and create change that reduces the harms associated with drug use.

The situation is especially severe in the US. In 2021, provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated there were 107,622 drug overdose deaths, an increase of 15 percent from 2020.

In North Dakota, 82 overdose deaths are recorded annually. Overdose deaths increased at an annual rate of 3.2% over the last 3 years. Opioids are a factor in 7 out of every 10 overdose deaths. (Source:

You can help potentially save a life by carrying naloxone (Narcan nasal spray). Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids, including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications. Narcan is available locally for free at Carrington Drug, Central Pharmacy, and Foster County Public Health (FCPH). Any community member can carry and learn to give Narcan, which is safe and easy to use.

Look for newly installed ONE Boxes near AEDs locally at Carrington Public School, Midkota Public School, and other locations in the county. A ONE Box is essentially a first-aid kit for opioid overdoses that empowers any bystander to respond quickly. Each ONE Box contains Narcan along with video instructions for use.

Watch the Independent and FCPH Facebook page for upcoming community Narcan trainings this fall or call 701-652-3087 for more information.