The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Rosenau family celebrated 120th anniversary of homestead

The occasion was the 120th anniversary of the Albert Rosenau Homestead, which later became the home of Wilferd and Ruth Rosenau and their children, Gary, Jack and Peggy. Sharing in this event were many Rosenau descendants including children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

The event included lots of visiting, games, hayrides, a combine demo and a delicious buffet.

Out-of-town guests attending were Bob and Carol Simmers, Bismarck, N.D.: Greg and Vicki Hains, Oregon; Patty Gilman, New York; Roxy and Larry Bakerjian, California; and Mira Neumiller, Colorado; along with many other family friends.

The event was held at the original farmstead site, which is now home to grandson, Thad Rosenau and family.