The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Titans drop straight sets to SB, Oakes

The Griggs/Midkota Titan volleyball team was defeated in two three-set losses against the South Border Mustangs in intra-Region 3 play, and with one of their District 5 foes, the Oakes Tornadoes.

G-M, now 4-8 and 1-2 in district outings, suffered a 15-25, 21-25 and 13-25 setback to the Mustangs on Thursday, September 28, and lost to the Tornadoes by 10-25, 12-25 and 21-25 scores last Tuesday night.

Kennedy Reidman hit nine kills in the South Border match, and was trailed closely by seven from Vanessa Vollmer and six by Kelsey Johnson.

Emma McCullough had 27 assists and the one service ace for the Titans, and Ryan Johnson was the overwhelming leader in the dig category with 26.

Nondistrict Volleyball

South Border 3,

Griggs/Midkota 0

at Glenfield

SB 25 25 25 - 3

G-M 15 21 13 - 0

Griggs/Midkota Individual Stats

Kills: Kennedy Reidman 9, Vanessa Vollmer 7, Kelsey Johnson 6, Karsyn Halvorson 3, Clayre Hilbert 2, Kadance Klubben and Emma McCullough 1.

Aces: McCullough 1.

Assists: McCullough 27, Reidman 1.

Blocks: K. Johnson and Reidman 1.

Digs: Ryan Johnson 26, K. Johnson, McCullough and Reidman 8, Jersey Gronneberg 6, Anika Aarestad and Halvorson 2, Hilbert 1.

District 5 Volleyball

Oakes 3, Griggs/Midkota 0

at Oakes

G-M 10 12 21 - 0

Oakes 25 25 25 - 3

Griggs/Midkota Individual Stats

Kills: K. Johnson 5, Reidman 4, Vollmer 3, Klubben 2, Halvorson 1.

Aces: R. Johnson and Reidman 1.

Assists: McCullough 10, R. Johnson 5.

Digs: Reidman 10, Vollmer 9, R. Johnson 8, K. Johnson and McCullough 7, Gronneberg 2, Hilbert and Klubben 1.

(Editor's Note: The stats from the Oakes match were received after the press deadline, and are included here.)