The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Topp receives Vanier Family Scholarship

Ten National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) members received the prestigious $10,000 Vanier Family Scholarship during the American Hereford Association (AHA) Annual Meeting and Conference in Kansas City, on Oct. 20.

Since 2008, the Vanier family of CK Ranch in Kansas has awarded scholarships to Hereford youth, and since 2016, they have annually given $100,000 in HYFA scholarships, totalling more than $800,000 to assist NJHA members as they work hard to better their education.

Local recipient was Logan Topp, Carrington, N.D. Topp is in his junior year at Kansas State University studying animal sciences and industry with a business option. His goal is to return to the family ranch operation after gaining experience in the cattle feeding and packing industries.

Topp says, "Knowing more about how the whole industry works can help us improve how we manage our ranches." He is also hoping to bring back more hands-on experience in finance management and cattle merchandising.

"The Vanier Family name and HYFA are synonymous with supporting Hereford youth and over their lifetimes, the late Jack and Donna Vanier gave so much to so many, in the most humble way," said Amy Cowan, director of youth activities and foundation for the AHA.

"The foundation is built on the pillars of scholarship, leadership, research and education, and we are so grateful to the entire Vanier family for all they have given and all they have done to pave the way for youth in agriculture through scholarship and education."

The Vanier family is proud of the NJHA members and believes the work ethic young people learn growing up in the Hereford breed sets them apart in today's workforce. The foundation is proud to carry on Jack and Donna's legacy through this prestigious scholarship program."The foundation takes great pride in our scholarship program and the opportunities we are able to provide to assist our young people throughout their college journeys," Cowan says. "The selection committee continues to be impressed by the high caliber of applicants and are confident that today's NJHA members will be tomorrow's leaders in whatever industry they pursue."

The scholarship fund is the bedrock of HYFA and countless youth are benefactors of its mission.

This last fiscal year, the foundation celebrated net assets reaching $6.3 million and in total $221,500 was given back to Hereford youth to assist with their college educations.