The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Scholarships given at CHS Honors Night

There was a full house at CHS Honors Night on Tuesday, April 23. High school students involved in a variety of academic pursuits were recognized for their dedication.

Here are some of the highlights of the annual event, noting those who received special awards while recognizing the efforts of students involved in co-curricular activities that haven't previously been highlighted in this newspaper throughout the school year.

Kacie Rexin, Bryan Harris and Ethan Gast earned the Presidential Award of Educational Excellence, while Emma Aberle, Lily Brewer and Joe Lindberg were presented with the Presidential Award of Educational Achievement.

Music Director Annette Hovey honored eight band and choir members with special awards. In band, award recipients were Nela McKibben, Aubrey Neis, Sophie Garr and Joe Lindberg, while choir honorees were Michaela Gronseth, Kelsi Neuman, Andrew Matt and Sarah Hallwachs.

Musicians who received a Star Award at the Regional Small Group Music Contest were Jazmyn Ybarra, Andrew Matt, Joe Lindberg, Nela McKibben, Kendall Kovar, Jyllian Parker, Kelsi Neuman, Aubrey Neis, Sophie Garr and Sarah Hallwachs.

Know Your State advisor Karla Michaelson recognized state finalists Reagan Wolsky, Anna Freeman, Kenadie Pazdernik, Kacie Rexin and Hailee Weber for their efforts.

The Science Olympiad program had a strong showing at regional competition this year. Pat Boehmer and Carrie Nichols, the senior and junior advisors, reported that both teams ranked in the top five and were the top overall Class B teams in the regional events.

High school members of the Science Olympiad team who were recognized included Molly Hansen, Edyn Hoornaert, Max Ciubotareanu, Joe Lindberg, Bryan Harris, Ethan Gast, Krystal Klein, Jazmyn Ybarra, Jacob Boeshans, Sam Simons, Sydney Friedt, Sierra Friedt, Aubrey Neis and Connor Gast.

Molly Rzaszutak recognized participants in the Sources of Strength program, which helps students with mental health promotion and suicide prevention measures. Those receiving certificates included Sierra Friedt, Rowan Jess, Kaylin Pate, Reagan Wolsky, Isabel Wendel, Anna Freeman, Hailee Weber, Edyn Hoornaert, Alexis Harris, Krystal Klein, Mercedes Lura, Aubrey Neis and Joe Lindberg.

Kacie Rexin was recognized for being named to the Division A Academic All-State Honorable Mention team.

Superintendent Janelle Helm, a Kiwanis Club member, recognized four senior students with awards and scholarships from the organization. Receiving awards were Emma Aberle, Sophie Garr and Sarah Hallwachs.

Two CHS seniors, Joe Lindberg and Sarah Hallwachs, received the Dr. Michael W. Emmerich scholarship, now in its seventh year. The scholarship totals up to $19,500 per year, and is renewable for four years.

Kacie Rexin received the 2024 Bank Forward scholarship.

Gaylen Rosenau presented the Katie Jo Gussiaas Memorial Scholarship to Sophie Garr, Madison Johnson, Kacie Rexin and Sarah Hallwachs.

Building Carrington Futures scholarships, sponsored by CHS graduate and Aldevron CEO Michael Chambers, were presented to Tyler Walker, Kylie Skadberg, Madison Johnson, Emma Aberle, Kacie Rexin, Sydney Friedt, Isabella Neuman, Olivia Threadgold, Ethan Gast and Sarah Hallwachs.

Leading Edge Equipment presented the $22,000 North Dakota Career Builders scholarship, given to someone enrolled in the John Deere tech program, to Hayden House.

The Art Whitaker Memorial Scholarship was presented to Kacie Rexin, Logan Weninger and Olivia Threadgold.

Jenni Wede of the Carrington Lions Club gave out three scholarship awards. Sarah Hallwachs was the recipient of the Pat Roundy Memorial Scholarship, and Sophie Garr earned the Al Larson Memorial Scholarship. Logan Weninger was presented with a new scholarship this year, the Allen Stock Memorial Scholarship.

Laurie Dietz of the Carrington Chamber and Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) presented two scholarships for $500.00 to Sarah Hallwachs and Olivia Threadgold. The scholarships are given to a senior who has worked at a member business during high school.

The Delores Neuman Award was presented to Sophie Garr, Sarah Hallwachs, Madison Johnson and Kacie Rexin.

The Dakota Central Schlolarship, presented by Deb Clifton, went to Sophie Garr, Ethan Gast and Olivia Threadgold.

The Thomas Beck Scholarships, presented for excellence in science and math to those planning to pursue a career in sciences, were presented to Kacie Rexin and Ethan Gast.

Twenty-eight seniors received a total of $14,750 in scholarships from the Dollars for Scholars program: Emma Aberle, Hunter Bachmeier, Lily Brewer, Sydney Friedt, Sophie Garr, Ethan Gast, Owen Hagel, Sarah Hallwachs, Bryan Harris, Thomas Hoeckle, Hayden House, Madison Johnson, Karlee Lesmann, Taya Lura, Tiara Lura, Tessa Mittleider, Trey Morley, Isabella Neuman, Aaron Neumiller, Jake Otto, Kacie Rexin, Jaxon Schaefer, Morgan Sherman, Grady Shipman, Olivia Threadgold, Tyler Walker, Logan Weninger and Xavier Wilde.

The full list of Dollars for Scholars sponsors for 2024 are: AgCountry Farm Credit Services, Kevin and Conni Allmaras, American Foundation for Wildlife by Scott and Celine Fetch, Anonymous, Vern and Jan Anderson, Arrowwood Prairie Co-op, Mike and Rita Balvitsch, Bank Forward/Insure Forward, Jerry and Michelle Belile, Paul and Bonnie Berg, Bessette Motors, Inc., Bickett Insurance Agency, Inc., Nancy Boehmer, Andy and Ruth Braaten, Bremer Bank, Brinster Law P.C., Carrington Drug, Carrington Kiwanis Club, Carrington Lions Club, Carrington Wrestling Club, Central Pharmacy, Chieftain Conference Center, Dakota Central, Duane DeKrey, Laurie and Kim Dietz, Greg and Jody Endres, Tom and Julee Erdmann, Fessenden Cooperative Association;

Alex and Myrna Friedt, Corrine and Mark Frost, Garr Dental Center, Carl and Jennifer Gast, Ray and Marlene Grager, Kent and Vickie Gussiaas, Jory and Missy Hansen, Duane and Bonnie Harding, Dennis and Gerri Haugen, Heartland Ready Mix, LLC, Hi-Way Drive In, Chad and Jennifer Hoornaert, Bobbi and Jason Jarrett, KC Ag Services, LLC, Kevin and Renee Klein, Leading Edge Equipment, Larry and Janice Lura, Aaron and PJ Lura, Randy and Lori Lura, Brock Lura, Vicki Magill, Wayne and Rhonda March, Kent and Shari Mattson, Dorothy Miller-Fenske, Mike and Krystle Neis, Dave and Mary Nelson, Jacqui and Mo Nelson, North Dakota Dollars for Scholars, Northern Plains Electric, Kristee Page, Tom and Sharon Paintner;

Paradise Cove, LLC, Julie and Jeff Pate, Nate and Lindsy Pavelko, Mark and Faye Pederson, Jon Polries, Shirley Radke, Red River Valley & Western Railroad Company, Doug and Holly Retzlaff, Michael and Michelle Rexin, Rick's Wholesale Tire, Inc., Gaylen and Bonnie Rosenau, Debbie Rost, Jim and Kim Schmitz, Linda Schuster, Bob and Marlene Scott, Denise and Wayne Shipman, Doug and Melody Skadberg, Paul and Ginger Skadberg, Kyle and Layne Smith, Pattie Stock, Brenda Stokes, Summit Physical Therapy, PC, Sykeston Community Club, Justin and Amanda Topp, Jeff and Jan Topp, VanRay Farms, Jenni and Doug Wede, Wholesale Ag Products, Holly Zieman, Peter Zink.