The Official Newspaper for Foster County
75 Years Ago
June 16, 1949
Mary Ann Hayashi, a senior at Carrington High School next term, was elected 1949 Girls State governor at Jamestown, Friday. By virtue of this office, she will be one of two delegates from North Dakota to attend the Girls Nation in Washington, D.C. on August 21-27.
Foster County people, especially those of the Glenfield community, turned out in large numbers Sunday to honor Miss Lottie Posery, Glenfield postmaster, who has been an ardent community worker for forty-years.
Betty Turner, a 1948 graduate of Carrington High School, will open a kindergarten class at the Carrington school primary room and will operate the school through the summer to the end of August.
Attending Boys State at NDAC Fargo, this week are three Carrington boys, Luverne Graham, Sam Zimmerman, and Harold Tucker. They were taken to Fargo Sunday by P. J. Goss.
Now employed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Beck, Carrington, is Miss Gaida Dimza, a native of Laivia, who was released from a displaced persons camp in Germany after being placed in America by Lutheran World Action.
Transportation to the swimming pool at New Rockford will again be available to Carrington’s young people, under arrangements made by the recreation council.
Sixty friends and neighbors gathered at the Fred Pepple, Sr. home Friday evening, June 3, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Pepple on their 40th anniversary.
Cut flowers and candles formed the setting for the wedding on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in the Sacred Heart Church of Miss Evelyn Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Carr, and Cyrus Copenhaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Copenhaver, Fr. Harte performed the double-ring ceremony.
Rev. L.E. Dickinson, who has been pastor for the past three years of the Kensal Methodist Church, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday at the Wimbeldon, Leal and local church.
50 Years Ago
June 12, 1974
Michael Olson of Detroit Lakes has assumed duties of Foster County Deputy Sheriff for the McHenry and Glenfield area. He and his wife, Fern, have two boys ages one and six. They are residing at Glenfield.
The Carrington FFA was awarded a Gold Chapter rating at the state convention in Fargo. This is the highest state-level award a chapter can receive.
Shirley Aljets, Vickie Koller, and Tammy Dunwoody of Carrington are participating in the Miss North Dakota Teenager Pageant held May 24 - 25 at Aberdeen.
Thomas Beck is participating in the summer research program of thermo dynamics concerning problems of re-entry of space vehicles at Yale University at New Haven, Conn.
Steve Looysen, Carrington, is recipient of a full four-year ROTC scholarship. He has chosen NDSU for his first year of study.
Five Carrington boys were successful at the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) track meet at Jamestown June 8. Jim Sampson had a good day, winning the 100, 220 and long jump and placing second in the 440. Ken Sampson placed second in the mile run, and Bob Bergan was second in the high jump. Mark Miller was fourth in high jump; Brent Miller was fourth in discus. Dave Gjerdevig was fourth in long jump.
Members of Raymond O’Hara Post 25 and those of many other American Legion posts in the area have more than usual interest in the state convention of the American Legion to be held at Fargo, June 16-18. Norman A. Hanson of Carrington, presently vice-commander of the Central Region, is in a three-way contest for department commander.
A shower was held for Mariann Purcell June 8 at the home of Mrs. Ken Gross. Hostesses were Mary Sheets and Marnie Gross.
25 Years Ago
June 14, 1999
McHenry celebrates their Centennial this week June 18 - 20. Some of the features include rides around the famous “railroad loop”, a talent show, two street dances and an “all faith” service Sunday morning.
New bucking chutes were constructed this year for the Carrington rodeo grounds. Bob and James Clifton built five bucking chutes and one stripping chute. Materials and chutes were paid for by the Carrington Area Chamber of Congress.
Lloyd Jones, a long time Main Street businessman in the 100-year-old town of Bowdon, still opens Jones Hardware each morning at 7 a.m. Some of the stores fixtures have been in the store since his father’s day.
Sykeston Café has just completed a remodeling job. The café was closed for about a week while the construction work was being done. The café is owned by the Community Club. The $45,000 project doubled the size of the kitchen, added new cupboards and moved the bathrooms inside the café.
Randy Wass, maintenance, is the employee of the month at Dakota Growers Pasta Company.
Three compete in the Miss North Dakota Pageant this year, they include Heidi Williams, Miss Central Dakota, Alissa Friezen, Miss Carrington and Melissa Munkeby, Miss Prairie Rose.
Obituaries - Renee Pafuh, 84, Carrington, died Wednesday, June 2; Edna Swearingen, 80, Carrington, died Friday, June 4.
Carrington Chamber Ambassadors visit Northern Expressions Hair Salon, welcoming the new business were John Klenow, Chamber president, Dave Nelson, and Paul Torgerson, Chamber manager Julie Brown and salon owner Susie Splichal.
Area News - Woodworth - Memorial Day weekend guests of LeRoy and Virginia Struxness were Larry and Brandie Sartin and daughter, Laurel, of Sidney, Montana.
Sunday, Dennis and LaVonne Clark, Jamie and Denise hosted a family dinner for out-of-state relatives.
Saturday, Gil and June Hazer went with Lester Hazer and Ann Hess to Sioux Falls, S.D., to the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Ann’s aunt and uncle Oral and Mildred Lambertz.