The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: Lyman Foster County Dairy Queen

75 Years Ago

June 30, 1949

Foster County will be represented in the State Diary Queen contest by Donna Lyman of Grace City, who won the honor of Foster County Dairy Queen, in Carrington during Dairy Day last Wednesday.

Delegates to the Hiawatha regional conference in Wadena, Minn., June 21 to 24 from the senior Girl Scouts of Carrington were Norma Pedersen of Juanita and Phyllis Perkins of Carrington. The delegates attended under the sponsorship of the Carrington “A” Association.

Featured at the Grand Theatre Friday and Saturday will be Whiplash starring Alan Hale, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Zane Grey’s Red Canyon will be showing in Technicolor. Ann Blythe, Howard Duff and George Brent are the principal stars in this film made in the Rockies.

At the livestock judging event at the John Skadberg farm last Friday, 4-H members were in attendance from Eddy, Foster, and Wells counties. Adolph Gross, Chester M. Reiten and George F. Stewart, county agents of Eddy, Wells and Foster respectively, were in charge of the event.

Scoring highest from the Foster County group were Edson Lund, Billy Zink, Dan Murphy, Ronald Luttschwager, Ray Grager and Virgil Larson. These boys will represent the county in a district judging event to be held in Grand Forks on June 30.

Large crowds gathered at McHenry Monday and Tuesday of this week to join in the celebration of that town’s 50th anniversary.

The two day event was conducted under the direction of McHenry Commercial Club of which Leo Overbeck is president.

50 Years Ago

June 26, 1974

Infestations of sunflower beetles are beginning to show up in sunflower fields within the county. The insect is almost identical to the Colorado potato beetles with which many people are familiar.

Indians from the Fort Totten area met the Fort Seward Inc. wagon train at Hawksnest. The Indians showed up around suppertime, some wearing multicolored feathers and beads, and danced to the beat of drums along with the wagon train members.

How many thousand hamburgers, hot dogs and pieces of pie were served at McHenry during the Diamond Jubilee could only be guessed but it was a vast quantity that was consumed at two places uptown.

Visitors to the McHenry Jubilee came from many places and some came long distances to be with friends and relatives. Registered from the farthest distance was Ari Kapur of New Delhi, India believed to have come with a student friend from Kensal.

Louis Polries was honored in Lancaster, S.C., when he was given a key to the city and honorary plaques by the mayor and a South Carolina Senator.

The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Reimer was celebrated at an open house and dinner at the club house Sunday, June 16. A Hawaiian theme was carried out at the six o’clock dinner for the out-of-town relatives and friends. For entertainment there was Hawaiian music and songs.

A farewell dinner for Rev. and Mrs. Franklin Butler was held Sunday at the church parlors in the Nazarene Church following the morning services. The Butlers left Monday for Lake Placid, N.Y., where they have a pastorate.

149 family members gathered for the Topp-Luttschwager Reunion held June 15 at the Keith Wright farm home at Grace City. Special event for this year’s gathering was observance of the 75th anniversary of the late Fred Topp farm, homesteaded in 1899, and presently owned by a grandson, Keith Wright.

25 Years Ago

June 28, 1999

A $1 million addition to the Dakota Central building was approved by the Carrington-based co-op’s Board of Directors last Wednesday. The construction, slated to start July 5, will add 6,106 square feet of office space to the west and south of the present building.

Matthew R. Metzger, son of Steve and Jane Metzger, Carrington, has received the Presidential Scholarship and the Varsity Mart Textbook Scholarship. The Presidential scholarship is in the amount of $1500 each year for four years, and the textbook scholarship is $600. Metzger will attend North Dakota State University beginning in the fall and plans to study computer science.

Melissa Montgomery has been awarded a $1,000 FFA Scholarship from Firestone Agricultural Tire Company. She will be attending North Dakota State University this fall and plans to major in agricultural economics there.

Barns Lake produced a wall-hanging northern pike caught by Ernie Hoffert. It was 45 inches long and more than 24 pounds. Ernie caught it on a light tackle daredevil.

People in the News - Leah Delorme and Nate Hjelseth would like to announce their engagement. Lea is the daughter of Frank and Darlene LaQua of Bismarck and Nate is the son of Gerald and Cathy Paulson and Jeff and Jean Hjelseth of Grand Forks.

Edna and Leonard Norheim are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 13, at their farm near Kensal.

Obituaries - Rita Weisenburger, 68, New Rockford died Saturday, June 19; Donald Patrie, 87, rural Bowdon, died Monday, June 21; Sydney Hoveskeland, 82, New Rockford, died Tuesday, June 22.

Area News - Golden Acres Manor - Monday evening the residents enjoyed music by Clinton Krause.

Rose and LeRoy Tollefson took her sister, Leah Theis, to Jamestown where they enjoyed going out to dinner.

The residents enjoyed the piano music and singing of Jarl Iverson Wednesday afternoon.

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