The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Letter: Commission clarifies specifics on meeting discussion

In response to the article written by Leasa Lura in the June 10th, 2024, edition of The Foster County Independent. It was stated, “During their last meeting on Tuesday, June 4th, the board heard about a contract Garrison Diversion officials say was signed by road superintendent Nate Monson for road blading during the construction of the pipeline. Commissioner Alan Scanson said that the commission was unaware of the contract and that Monson would not have the authority to sign it.”

The Foster County Commission wants to clarify that the Foster County Road department has a blading contract with Garney Construction, not with Garrison Diversion. The Commission is aware of that agreement made in 2023 and has no concerns about that agreement. The contract under discussion was one that Garrison Diversion thought they had presented, however, no documentation from Garrison Diversion was presented to verify one existed nor could the County locate a copy of any contract to verify one existed.

The agreement being discussed was not for road maintenance, but rather a general statement of responsibility for the entire Red River Water Supply project. This agreement has no specific provisions, such as decisions for cutting paved highways or optionally boring under them. This plan has not been approved and the board is asking for amendments to the plan, for example, there is no signature page for approval.

In stating that Monson does not have the authority to sign contracts, I was indicating that it is just part of the process when working with public funds. A contract that binds the County must first be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. The Board of County Commissioners has full faith in Nate Monson as Road Superintendent and his abilities to manage his department. At no point were the commissioners questioning Monson’s ability to follow protocol.

The Auditor’s office was contacted prior to the article being published and the response sent back to the paper from their office was, “There was no lost contract. I think Garrison had assumed we agreed to a contract and there was no indication that an agreement was ever approved or presented to the BOCC. Looking back through records and minutes there is no documentation that an agreement was made between the board and Garrison for the road maintenance on the project.

There was a separate agreement between the road department and Garney Construction is my understanding.”

If you have questions or concerns, please read the official minutes or reach out to a County Commissioner.

Alan Scanson

Glenfield, N.D.

Rendered 09/29/2024 22:34