The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: Lightning destroys farm home

75 Years Ago

July 28, 1949

New Rockford won the district championship in the Junior Legion baseball tournament held at Harvey last week, taking the final game from Harvey 11 to 0.

Rainfall in one of the heaviest showers of the season came to this part of the state Tuesday evening too late to be of any great benefit to the growing crop, except for corn and late flax.

Carrington lost 11 to 6 to Bremen in a baseball game played on the Carrington diamond Sunday, this event winding up the Tri-County league season. Bud Semmens was on the mound for Carrington, being relieved by Bill Semmens in the ninth inning. W. Larson went all the way for the visiting team. Defeating A.G. Schultz of Carrington 2 up in the final round, L. Niemeyer of Jamestown won the championship in the annual golf tournament played on the Carrington course Sunday, sponsored by the Carrington Golf Club.

Mrs. Madelyn Brown, Carrington, will be a member of the Carrington school faculty in the next term. It was announced this week by Supt. Norman H. Hanson. He said she had been engaged for the primary department after the resignation of Mrs. Margaret Anderson of New Rockford, who had previously signed a contract.

The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Huss, Jr., 4 miles southwest of Sykeston, burned to the ground Tuesday night after it was struck by lightning. None of the contents were saved.

At the Grand Theatre featured Friday and Saturday will be Homicide with Robert Douglas and Helen Westcott. Coming for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday is Command Decision with Clark Gable, Walter Pidgeon, Van Johnson and Brian Donlevy.

Official opening of the Miami Grill, Carrington’s new restaurant, owned and operated by H.T. Hayashi, is scheduled for Monday, August 1. The restaurant is located in the Hayashi building next door west of the Grand Theatre.

50 Years Ago

July 24, 1974

The familiar 100-foot microwave tower which was in use until last May at the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company in Carrington is gone. Carrington has outgrown it.

Five homes in Foster County will host 4-H members from Japan who are involved in an international exchange program. Host families are those of LeRoy Johnson, Glenfield, and Robert Koenig, Jerry Goheen, Walter Koenig and Owen Thurlow, Carrington.

August 5 has been tentatively set as date for a public meeting concerning a proposed clinic building for Carrington. Of the three locations: a site near Golden Acres Manor, the present clinic building owned by M.M. Meadows (requiring an addition of at least 2,100 sq. ft to house three doctors and two dentists), or the northwest corner of the hospital site, the last was judged to be the most feasible.

Joel Zimmerman was one of three scuba divers from NDSU who recovered the bodies of two young people who drowned in Lake Metigoshe when their canoe capsized. He is a son of Phillip “Toady” Zimmerman of Carrington.

A young Swiss who intends to see the world on $3 a day, Edwin Hollenstein, and his younger brother, Donats, have been guests at the Perry Pepple farm home near Carrington while resting before continuing their journey to Alaska.

The Carrington Babe Ruth baseball team ended the season with tournament play at Red Willow, winning two games and losing one in the single elimination event.

The team had a 11-4 win-lost season record. Coach Ron Humphrey commended several players for the fine efforts, including Dan Steinman, who had five wins and no losses as a pitcher; Bob Bergan, Gary Wobbema, Dave Gjerdevig and David Harildstad for excellent hitting and Mike McMonagle for fine fielding.

25 Years Ago

July 26, 1999

The Carrington Public School District will end 1998-99 school term with an $80,000 surplus in their budget.

Receptionist for Dakota Growers Pasta Company is JoAnn Haman from New Rockford. She is July’s Employee of the Month.

New Arrival - Connor Dayton, son of Stuart and Maranel Beckman, Carrington, born on Saturday, July 17 at Carrington Health Center.

Jeremy Geske has been promoted from the rank of instructor to assistant professor at the University of Minnesota Extension Service. Jeremy is the son of Renee Geske, Pingree, and the late Mike Geske.

Gov. Ed Schafer recently reappointed Linda Butts of Carrington to a two-year term on the Agricultural Products Utilization Committee. The mission of APUC is to create new wealth and jobs through the development of new and expanded uses of North Dakota agricultural products.

Jill Wright, 11, was the lucky winner of a bicycle, given away by the Foster County Independent in a drawing at the fair last month. Jill, is the daughter of Delores and Leon Wright of Grace City.

Obituaries - Viola Anderson, 76, of Sheyenne, died July 19; Archie C. Stokke, 85, formerly of Fessenden, passed away Tuesday, July 20; Mildred Fingerson, 86, New Rockford, died Monday, July 19; Donald Baltrusch, 64, formerly of Chaseley, passed away Saturday, July 17; Reynold Christ, 74, of New Rockford died Friday July 16; Olive E. Nicolson, 83, Carrington, died Saturday, July 17.

Entertaining at the Hometown Tavern this weekend, The Charley Glasgow Show, Saturday, July 31.

DPRCA presents “The Murder Room” at the Niven Adams Opera House, New Rockford, July 15 - August 15.