The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Settling in

Social service staff return to courthouse offices as Phase 1 winding down -

Phase 1 of the Foster County courthouse basement renovation is nearly complete, and work on Phase 2 is ahead of schedule.

Social Service staff have moved into their new offices. The photo above was taken Monday, July 15, after the permanent lighting was installed.

The new office space includes a private waiting room for residents seeking services, as well as a reception area and individual offices for staff.

The new lower level restrooms, located just across the hallway from the elevator, were ready for use as of Wednesday, July 17.

Residents will notice the combination of new and historic woodwork. The new doors and trim were built to match the style and stain of the 100-plus year old woodwork of the exterior windows.

On July 10, jackhammers could be seen tearing up the old concrete floor, and workers were bringing in fresh fill to level the new basement floor. Less than one week later, on Tuesday, the last of the plumbing was installed and workers were preparing to pour the new floor by the end of the week.

The Foster County Veteran Service Officer, Corean Swart, has been relocated to the state's attorney's office on the third level of the courthouse. She will remain there until Phase 2 is complete and her new office is ready to move in.

Meanwhile, the Fargo Mobile Vets Center will make a monthly stop in Carrington. Mr. Gabriel Gust, Veteran Outreach Program Specialist, will be doing outreach the second Tuesday of each month. This mobile vet center will be in the Carrington City Library from 3-4 p.m.; times subject to change. This mobile vet center offers confidential help for combat veterans, service members and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting.

Services include counseling for needs such as depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the psychological effects of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). It can also connect them with more support from the VA. For more information, contact Swart at 701-652-2170 or email [email protected].

Rendered 09/02/2024 18:59