The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: New auditorium for Kensal School

75 Years Ago

August 4, 1949

Heavy earth-moving equipment is currently being used in a construction now underway at the Carrington Municipal Airport, where the Coghlan Construction Company of Rolla has the contract for rebuilding the northwest- southeast runway.

Tragedy struck double near Carrington Sunday afternoon when two brothers, Alvin Sam and Math Chris Rall, Hurdsfield, were drowned in the sand pit pool about 4 miles south of Carrington.

Two plates will be issued to each North Dakota motor vehicle in 1950, according to Highway Commissioner N.O. Jones, who announced at the same time that next years plates will have black lettering on a deep-orange background.

Private funeral services were held at the Willet Funeral Chapel at Jamestown on Tuesday, July 26, at two o’clock for Harry P. Hamilton, first victim of polio in this area.

Miss Betty Lou Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raynard Thompson, became the bride of Sig Stangeland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Stangeland of Juanita, at a ceremony Monday, July 11, at the First Methodist Church in Breckenridge, Minn.

A new barn is being built on the Adolph Schramm farm to replace the one burned last spring, the barn on the old Wallin farm has been moved away.

Bob Neva, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neva, is a patient in the Jamestown Hospital. Saturday a week ago he suffered severe injury to his eyes when opening a can of paint remover and it spurted into his eyes. He was assisting in his father’s machine repair shop when the accident occurred.

Weekly specials at Super Valu include: Head lettuce; 2 for $0.25/ carrots, 2 bunches; $0.19/ Happy Host Tomatoes, No. 2 can 2 for $0.33; homemade wieners and bologna $0.49/lb; Folger’s coffee, 1 lb can $0.54; Churches grape juice, quart bottle, $0.35.

50 Years Ago

July 31, 1974

A Fessenden teenager, Randy Rappuhn, scored a hole-in-one at the Carrington Golf Course Friday. The 14-year-old was playing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Rappuhn, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rappuhn, when his drive on the short par three No. 6 rolled into the cup.

Keith Elliott of Minot has been named manager of Gate City Savings in Carrington. Elliott and his wife, LaVonne, have one son.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ferguson, who came to Carrington from Dawson, Minn., during the winter to open a shoe and canvas repair business, have decided to move to Cooperstown.

Ferguson said that with the resumption of business by Vernen Pederson, whose Shoe Hospital burned Dec. 31, it is apparent that two such businesses are too many for Carrington.

A new auditorium-gymnasium will be added to the Kensal school. Voters approved a $160,000 bond issue in a special election July 23 for construction of the addition.

Vicki Moser of Woodworth and Susan Kramer and Susan Schweigert, Kensal, are participating with about 260 other high school students in the annual Citizenship Seminar at the International Music Camp July 30 - August 2.

Ron Humphrey, coach of the Carrington Pee Wee and Babe Ruth baseball teams, was named “Red Willow Resort Coach of the Year” by the RWR staff on conclusion of the Pee Wee tournament held at Red Willow during the weekend.

An open house observance was held in Calvary Baptist Church, Carrington, on July 21 to mark the golden anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Klein, whose entire wedded years have been spent within this community.

RoxAnn Larson and James Delfs, McHenry, were married in a double-ring ceremony July 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, with Rev. Bernard Pfau officiating.

25 Years Ago

August 2, 1999

Luke Boyer thought he had lost his ball out on the golf course in Carrington. Only to realize he had a hole-in-one on number three. A hole-in-one on number 3 doesn’t happen very often, usually hole six is the “ace” hole, but for Luke he got “the long one”.

Super Valu Foods of Carrington will celebrate 54 years in business here with five days of special events August 2 - 7, according to Ron Wenass, store owner. Highlights of the week include a 54-foot cake, kiddy cart races and Stevo Bingo.

Sara Kollman, a CHS/UND graduate, has been recognized twice this year for outstanding work in her chosen career of nursing in Rodchester, MN.

Named to the President’s Roll of Honor at UND include Michael Brickner and Rebecca Metzger, both of Carrington, and Joscelyn Brown, New Rockford.

Five east central North Dakotans were honored for their sense of community and selflessness when they were chosen as 1999 Hometown Heroes by Northern Plains Electric Cooperative on June 8 in Carrington.

Bob Winandy - a Sykeston High School senior, won the Child Hero Award. He was commended for his compassion for children.

Angie Oster - won the Parent/Grandparent Hero Award for dedicating the past 36 years to day care.

Donna Rice - Maddock, was named Hometown Hero in the Community Supporter category. Rice was commended for rolling up her sleeve for almost every community event.

Joe and Margie Anderson, New Rockford, won the Hometown Hero Good Neighbor Award. The couple was noted for their willingness to use their blessings for others.

Bernice Fuchsgruber won the Teacher Category. Bernice began teaching school 55 years ago and today still substitute teaches.

New arrivals - Garrett James, born to Susan and Todd Bickett, Carrington, Sunday, July 25 at the Carrington Health Center; Haley Mary, daughter of Kristy and Kyle Hewitt, was born July 20.

Obituaries - Wayne A, Vigen, 76, Carrington, died Friday, July 23; Vivan “Violet” Holland, 90, Carrington, died Tuesday, July 27; Joseph Schimelfenig, 69, Fessenden, died Monday, July 26; Otto Erickson, 91, New Rockford, formerly of Sheyenne, died Monday, July 26.

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