The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Juanita Lake annual event held July 20

The fourth annual Wholesale Ag Products 8.5 mile bicycle race, 5K fun run, and 1-mile children's race was held July 20 at Juanita Lake.

The bicycle race war was won by Richard Zink with Matt Swanson second and Joe Richter pushing Matt hard for a close third place finish.

Phillip Zink won the 5K men's division with a time of 21:27 followed by Chris Purdue in second at 21:54, Jacob Rexin and Gerad Zink at 22:44 and 24:20 respectively.

Kacie Rexin won the women's division finishing in 22:17 followed by Macy Fiebiger at 24:42. Laura Purdue at 25:33 and April Berntson at 25:35.

The top six finishers in the kids 1-mile run were Ryan Hoff followed by Kinzie Hoff, Ethan Richter, Russell Zink, Ty Zink and Calvin Purdue.

Each participant paid a ten dollar entry fee. The entry fees plus an additional ten dollars per entrant provided by Wholesale Ag Products was donated. The total amount of $500 will be given to the Carrington High School girls' basketball organization to honor the efforts of the athletes.