The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Area 4-H youth shine at N.D. State Fair

Fifty-seven Foster County 4-H'ers exhibited projects at the North Dakota State Fair last month, achieving impressive results.

In the livestock competition, the young people exhibited 11 beef, four dairy, three goats, nine sheep and four swine.

Brexyn and Kaydri Cabler had the champion and reserve champion Holstein heifers, respectively.

Molly Hansen exhibited the champion market ewe lamb.

Ty Kulsrud had the champion Charolais heifer, the reserve champion Simmental heifer, and the reserve champion meat goat doe.

Brekka Kuss had both the champion Brown Swiss cow and the champion Brown Swiss heifer.

Vanessa Vollmer had the champion Angus cow/calf pair and the supreme reserve champion overall cow/calf pair.

Four youths earned either grand or reserve champion in the 4-H livestock showmanship contest: Brexyn Cabler, reserve champion dairy showman; Kaydri Cabler, champion junior dairy showman; Cally Hansen, champion intermediate swine showman; Brekka Kuss, reserve champion senior dairy showman.

Through their performances, the four 4-H members earned the opportunity to compete in the round-robin contest, where they were judged on their ability to exhibit not just one, but five species of livestock.

Cally Hansen was selected champion showman among the intermediate 4-H'ers in the round-robin contest.

Foster County 4-H'ers also exhibited 151 static projects at the fair.

Grand champion awards were given to Liam Aberle, Animal Science; Emmett Black, Global & Cultural Education; Brexyn Cabler, Environmental Stewardship; Kaydri Cabler, Visual Arts; Josie House, Agronomy; Orion Ostlie, Agronomy; Charles Sauby, Entomology/Bee Project; Aubrie Stangeland, Visual Arts.

Reserve champion award winners were Kerigan Koepplin, Environmental Education; Chloe Pierson, Volunteerism & Service Learning; Jackson Topp, Agronomy.

Awards of Excellence were received by Brexyn Cabler, Food Preservation; Brexyn Cabler, Personal Safety; Kaydri Cabler, Visual Arts; Kauri Johnson, Global & Cultural Education; Sara Krause, Horse; Abby Lee, Child Development; Nick Pierson, Outdoor Education/Recreation; Vanessa Vollmer, Horticulture.

The State 4-H Communication Arts Contest was also held during the state fair. The team of Aubrie Stangland and Emma Stangeland received an Honorable Mention Award for their dramatic presentation.