The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Junior 4-H'ers win state land judging

Four Foster County 4-H'ers participated in the junior 4-H land judging contest near Rolla on Aug. 1.

The team won the contest, beating out four other teams from around the state.

Wyatt Stickel was third in the event. Michael VandeHoven placed fourth, Jackson Topp was sixth and Josie Topp was ninth.

Land judging is a national 4-H and FFA program to build knowledge and respect for the land, its uses and conservation.

Land judgers visit four sites during the contest. At each site, they determine the soil texture, estimate the land's slope, and measure the topsoil depth.

Participants also make management decisions, including fertility recommendations based on soil tests, tillage methods, and crop choices.

The Foster County 4-H Land Judging team is coached by Missy Hansen and Joel Lemer.

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