The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Gast resigns as city auditor

The City of Carrington will be looking for a new auditor by the end of the month.

At the city council meeting held on Tuesday, August 13, Carrington Mayor Tom Erdmann announced city auditor Jennifer Gast's resignation.

Gast has been the auditor for Carrington for the past seven years.

In other business:

Committee Reports


• Carrington Fire Chief Ken Wangen reported on the train derailment near Bordulac saying that they will be cleaning up plastic pellets for some time.

He also said, "We were extremely lucky, it could have been a lot worse," talking about the derailment.

• Wangen said the fire department received three county calls with one being a tractor fire near the derailment and a hay bale fire.

• He also said they received two calls from the city, one a false alarm at Cobblestone Inn and Suites and the other a fuel spill at Casey's.


• Erdmann reported that the wage and compensation study is ongoing.

• He also said the city'sone-percent sales tax is $7,000 ahead of this time last year.


• A funding request received from RK2w Companies LLP (Rusty and Randy Kollman) for a new building on 7th Street South was reviewed. The request was preapproved pending the true and full value of the building.

• Kelly Hagel, owner of the Small Steps Childcare building, submitted an application for a Commercial Building Improvement Grant for updating the heating and cooling system at the daycare. The application was approved.

• The city received an application for a Commercial Building Improvement Grant from Tammy Sorenson of Carrington Gymnastics. She is looking to update the electric wiring along with the heating and cooling systems in her new location on Hwy 200 East.

• Greg Carmina submitted a grant/loan request to purchase the Carrington Pizza Ranch. Carmina has been managing the restaurant for owner Jim Weinman of Harvey. The application was tabled pending more information.

• Shane Wendel, owner of Central Pharmacy, submitted receipts for reimbursement of the expenses related to the Building Improvement Grant previously approved.

• Gabby Hewitt of UpNorth Therapies submitted receipts for reimbursement of the expenses related to the Building Improvement Grant previously approved.

• Callie Krause of Open Prairie Health, a new business located on Hwy 281 North, submitted receipts for her office remodel

in the Retzlaff Seed building.

• A draft of a Carrington Stay Home or Return Home to Work grant was reviewed by the CCEDC board.

The City of Carrington, through its Economic Development Fund, offers a grant for individuals looking to stay home or return home to work within the city and/or the extraterritorial limits of Carrington, This grant initiative is being undertaken to support and encourage individuals seeking employment opportunities.

This grant complements the Carrington Strategic Plan and the Main Street Revitalization Plan by incentivizing individuals who have graduated from Carrington High School seeking to stay or return home to work.

Any individual that has graduated from Carrington High School within the past 10 years, planning to return and work in the Carrington area or a recent graduate planning to stay home and work in the Carrington area is eligible to apply. The grant effective/starting date is September 1, 2024 and applicants must begin employment September 1, 2024 or later.

Grant amounts are as follows: $3,000 for full-time employment with an annual salary of $75,000 or more; $2,500 for full-time employment with an annual salary of $40,000 to $74,999; $1,250 for full-time employment with an annual salary of $25,000 to $39,999.

The grant payout will be based on the schedule above, with 50 percent paid to the applicant after six months of employment and the remaining balance paid out after 12 months of employment.

• The most recent federal grant was not funded for Rainbow Gardens and they are not sure if they are able to continue the project without further grant funding.

• The housing study is moving forward.


• The board discussed advertising with Your Live Event broadcasting. They agreed to pay $100 per month for a six-month trial.

• Work is progressing on getting electricity in the park.


• The Carrington Police Department is working on getting properties in the city cleaned up per the junk ordinance.


• The water plant reported an increase in production for the month of July.

• There was a water break on McKenzie Avenue.

• Pump #3 in lift station #1 is currently in need of repair.

• Tri-State Paving has completed the paving of the City Library parking lot and alley and is working on finishing the alley pavement adjacent to the post office.

• The city has been working on crosswalk painting.


• Wolsky reported that 10 building permits were issued in the month of July.


• Organizational Review

• Library

• Tree Board