The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Guest: Teach your kids to be kind to all

School is officially starting for New Rockford-Sheyenne, Carrington and many other area schools this week.

With school starting, that usually means taking pictures for the newspaper at the local football and volleyball games.

However, my schedule this year will be just a little different.

My first-born, Peyton, will be starting pre-K at New Rockford-Sheyenne school this year. She is quite excited for this new adventure and so am I, but I can't say that I am not getting teary-eyed thinking that my baby is old enough to go to school.

With watching me take pictures at many sporting events each year, she was pretty concerned about sports.

I've heard this specific question many times: "Mom, can I play volleyball like Brielle when I start school this year?" She was devastated when I informed her she's still too little for volleyball and all the other sports.

Instead of playing sports, I reminded her that I attend most of the games for work and that she could come with me to as many as she wanted. She was happy with that idea, but had to make sure to put out there, "I'll go with you, as long as I get popcorn."

She more than likely will attend many sporting events alongside me as I tackle as many opportunities at sports photos for home football and volleyball games as I can before I take my maternity leave in November. And yes, she'll get her bag of popcorn every time. When she finds out there's no popcorn at football games, she'll probably settle for a hot dog or Swedish fish.

So Rocket sports fans, I'll see you a few times on the football field or the volleyball court before our last bundle of joy decides to make his appearance – or even at a pre-K school concert – the opportunities are endless this year!

Along with our conversation about sports, we got into the topic of being kind to everyone.

I was scrolling Facebook one evening when I came across a post specifically about this topic. It said "Sit with your child for five minutes and explain that there's never a reason to make fun of someone for their height, their weight, their skin tone, their home life or the things they enjoy."

I explained to my daughter that many kids have different home lives, some like ours and some not. I also explained that some kids do not go home to loving families, so it is very important to be kind. Did she understand me fully? Probably not, but what four-year-old would?

One thing I can say is that we will continue to have this conversation year after year. I can only hope that my child is never the bully, or the one being bullied, in all of her school years at NR-S.

As I reflect on my school years, I can remember a few instances where people were getting made fun of – mainly for the cosmetic things, like what they were wearing, how they colored their hair, etc.

I was specifically one of those students who would get made fun of every now and then. I never owned a brand new North Face jacket or the trending Nike shoes like some kids. If I did, I can guarantee you that I got a heck of a deal at Plato's Closet.

Not every family can afford the most expensive and trending clothing, and that is completely normal.

Teach your children to not make fun of other kids who don't dress to the nines every day. Teach your children that having the money to buy those material things doesn't mean you are better than someone else.

Thinking back to my school years, I wish some parents would have told their kids to not judge someone by the clothes on someone's back.

Nearly nine years out of school, here I am teaching my child it is never okay to be the bully. I want my children to be the ones that pick up their friends and peers when they are down and in need of a friend – not the opposite.

Parents, please sit your children down and talk to them about bullying. I wish I could say every child went home to a loving home, but we all know that wouldn't be true.

Just remind them to be kind to those around them. That's all it takes.