The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: Rolling Plains Art Gallery comes to Elementary School

75 Years Ago

September 29, 1949

The Cardinal football team won its first game of the season from New Rockford in a close contest Friday evening by a score of 7-0. The game was played on the new Carrington athletic field, which had been leveled off and equipped with guard cables for convenience and comfort of the fans along the sidelines.

Selection of the state Dairy Queen will take place at Jamestown Thursday afternoon with a parade at 1:30 to open the afternoon’s festivities. Included among the queen contestants will be Donna Lyman of Grace City, Foster County Dairy Queen, selected last June by the Carrington Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Grand opening of Schoen’s Appliance Center, in the new Schoen building on Main Street, is scheduled for Saturday. Oct. 1, it was announced this week by Richard Schoen and sons.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Okert and family left Wednesday for Eugene, Ore., where they plan to make their home. Miss Betty Pepple of Fargo accompanied them and will visit her uncles, Chris and Tom Pepple.

Mrs. H.M. Knott, Mrs. Russ Marcussen, Mrs. Ken Wheeler and Mrs. E.W. Wheeler were hostesses when the Literary Club and the Homemakers Club had a joint meeting in the library Tuesday evening. Mrs. F. N. Chaffee was the guest of honor, as she is leaving soon to make her home in Everett, Wash.

A large crowd attended the piano recital given in the McHenry school auditorium Friday evening. Mrs. Arthur Grafsgaard and her 15 pupils gave a very good program.

Sharla, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mead, Kensal, observed her third birthday September 4. A group of mothers and their little children were guests. Their little son, Douglas, celebrated his seventh birthday Sept. 22, with 20 youngsters enjoying this gala occasion with him.

50 Years Ago

September 23, 1974

The Grace City Livewires 4-H Club met Sept. 9 at the schoolhouse. Lori Buchholz gave a lesson on furniture refinishing. Bonnie Schaack, Jackie Topp and Brenda Topp gave their lessons on leather craft.

New officers were elected. They are: president, Rhonda Jensen; vice president, Jackie Topp; secretary, Kim Topp, treasurer, Sherrie Jensen; news reporter, Lori Bucholz; music chairman, Brenda Topp.

Tracy L. Henningsgard has been promoted to county supervisor of Eddy-Foster Counties, with headquarters at New Rockford, for the Farmers Home Administration.

Neta Kim McMonagle and Craig Terry Sobolik were married Saturday, Sept. 7, at 2:30 p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church at Carrington. Rev. Gordon Berntson and Father Felix Preske officiated.

Announcement is made of the engagement and forthcoming marriage of Nancy W. Walicski and Paul A. Kram. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Walicski, Sykeston, and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kram, Wales, N.D.

Marriage vows were exchanged by Carol Eileen Brunsch and Donald Douglas Campbell at a double-ring service, July 6 in Redeemer Lutheran Church at Woodworth.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rathe celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 15, when their children were all home.

Glenfield Homemakers met at the home of Mrs. Clifford Meland, Wednesday evening with 15 members present. Officers were installed: President, Margaret McDaniel; vice president, Elsie Johnson; secretary-treasurer, Evelyn Anderson; and program chairman, Eileen Utke, Thelma Overbeck was installing officer.

25 Years Ago

September 27, 1999

Trent Throlson has joined Butts Feed Lots as their cattle health specialist. He is responsible for cattle health, vaccination programs and general feedlot operations.

Animal imagery from the permanent collections of Fargo’s Plains Art Museum was brought to Carrington in the Rolling Plains Art Gallery, a mobile unit that carries art into the plains. Sponsored in part by Cargill, the exhibit “Critters” was on display last week at Carrington Elementary School.

Foster County’s taxable valuation increased by $200,000 last year, and the mill levy will decrease by 1.29 mills for the upcoming 2000 county budget.

The Carrington Area Toastmasters club is sponsoring a “Demonstration Meeting” on Sept. 30 at the Chieftain in Carrington. This “Demonstration Meeting” will let any interested party look the club over and view a typical Toastmaster meeting in action.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the organization on Sept. 28 at the Vets Club.

Weddings/Engagements –

Jasmine Dunn and Jerel Hoheisel, Ames, Iowa, together with their parents Marvin and Connie Dunn, Carrington and Jerome and Janell Hoheisel, Sykeston, announce their engagement. A wedding is planned for Oct. 23, 1999 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Carrington.

Codie Lynn Parson and Daron Francis Lacina were united in marriage at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Carrington on Aug. 14 with Father Haas officiating.

Obituaries –

John E. Willey, 93, New Rockford (formerly of Carrington) died Monday, Sept. 23; Dorwin R. Boyd, Lisbon (formerly of New Rockford), died Wednesday, Sept. 15 at the North Dakota Veterans Home in Lisbon. Gerald D. Affeldt, Pick City (formerly of New Rockford), died on Sept. 21.

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