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Local woman fighting cancer battle

Shanna Barone's smile, sunny disposition and positive life outlook can light up a room.

The Carrington resident has displayed that friendly face to the public through her work as a customer service representative at Gate City Bank and Bank Forward and caregiver at Small Steps Childcare, and was recently hired by Carrington Public Schools as the high school study hall tutor.

A recent medical emergency, however, began a cruel twist in Shanna's story, one in which she is fighting hard to get her life back.

Her sister, Gwen Perkerewicz of Mandan, tells her story.

"Shanna had been experiencing some numbness and pain in her right side extremities," she said.

Much of her pain could have been explained by a fall she experienced while helping her significant other, Nate Johnson, with building a deck.

"She doctored for it, and it appeared to be a pinched nerve and possible muscle tightness. She landed pretty hard on a piece of lumber, so that seemed to make sense," said Perkerewicz.

Shanna began chiropractor visits which helped with the pain for the time being, but she then started to experience pretty significant headaches, which turned into migraines with nausea and vomiting.

On Thursday evening, September 19, she was found by her son, Grant, dazed and unable to move.

Upon transport to the hospital, she was later lifeflighted early Friday morning to Sanford Health in Fargo. There, it was discovered that she had two malignant tumors on her brain and significant swelling.

"They performed a craniotomy with large tumor resection to alleviate the pressure the largest tumor was causing the brain," Perkerewicz noted.

During that time, she was placed on a ventilator to give her the best chance at recovery.

Friday afternoon's surgery went well, said Perkerewicz, but preliminary results from her scans indicated lymphoma.

"They won't know until they get the final report in about a week," she noted. "[The doctor] said any part of the tumor they didn't get can be treated with radiation or chemotherapy. At that time, we will know more of what her journey to beat this will look like."

Saturday showed positive results, as Shanna was alert and able to respond to commands. Her level of responsiveness has gradually improved over the last several days.

While she was unable to breathe on her own the next day, she was taken off the ventilator last Monday, September 23.

Her fighting spirit has been an inspiration to all those who know and love her, said Perkerewicz.

"She is surrounded by a lot of family members, and so loved," she says.

Shanna has made remarkable progress with physical therapy as of Tuesday, and will be wearing a helmet to protect her brain as it undergoes the healing process.

"She's able to get up and walk around, and her personality is shining through," Perkerewicz said.

Anyone who wishes to send cards are welcome, so she can read them when she is able. She is currently in Room 503 at Sanford Health.

A GoFundMe page, "Shanna's Story," has been set up for Shanna by Carrington resident Tonia Erickson, as well as a CaringBridge account to keep people up to speed on her recovery efforts.

As of this past Wednesday when the Independent went to press, a total of $7,070 on 79 donations out of a goal of $50,000 has been sent. To donate, go to her page at

A benefit account for Shanna has also been set up at Bank Forward in Carrington.