The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Letters: End unfair property tax

Measure 4 provides huge property tax relief to everyone, completely reforms how cities and counties will tax in the future, and is a tremendous opportunity for all North Dakotans. It does this while ensuring full local control, and not a single dollar of funding is lost.

Dr. Arthur Laffer is a world-renowned economist who advised both President Ronald Reagan and President Trump on their famous tax cut programs. He has reviewed Measure 4, and believes it is a great opportunity for the people of North Dakota.

In a letter to the committee dated August 21, 2024, he states:

“I’m writing to express my full support for North Dakota’s effort to eliminate property taxes with Measure 4. What property tax relief will do for the state is wonderful, but it’s important to also emphasize what Measure 4 will not do to the state. Due to the careful crafting of this measure, North Dakota’s education, healthcare, and other public service funding will not suffer. With a consistent budget surplus and the state’s blessing of natural resources, North Dakota is fully capable of offsetting the loss of property tax revenue. On top of this, the tax relief will do wonders for the prosperity of the state, which will in turn raise excess revenues. This measure is a clear win/win for everyone.

Warmest personal regards,

Dr. Arthur B. Laffer”

When we pass Measure 4, Dr. Laffer has confirmed that there will be no loss of local control, no loss of local funding, no loss of services and no loss of personnel. It is important for us to see through the lobbyists’ misinformed campaign of fear, and vote yes on Measure 4. For our homes. For our families.

-Rick Becker

Bismarck N.D.

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