The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Letters: Vote No on Measure 2

Measure 2 is a direct assault on the freedoms North Dakotans have cherished for generations. Article III of the North Dakota Constitution, titled “Powers Reserved to the People,” ensures that we, the citizens, have the power to make decisions that directly impact our lives. However, politicians behind Measure 2 are attempting to erode that power by introducing changes that fundamentally undermine majority rule and weaken the value of your vote.

At its core, Measure 2 tramples on the principle of “one person, one vote,” a cornerstone of our democracy. By requiring citizens to vote twice for the same law before it can be enacted, Measure 2 dilutes the power of each vote. This isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a dangerous precedent that weakens your voice in government.

On top of that, Measure 2 sets a double standard, with one set of rules for politicians and another for citizens. It demands that North Dakotans jump through hoops, forcing two votes for any citizen-initiated ballot measure while exempting the measures that politicians introduce themselves. This constitutional amendment would make it much harder for everyday people to have their voices heard and easier for politicians to maintain control.

Opposition to Measure 2 spans across the political spectrum—Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike recognize the threat it poses. They understand that the heart of our democracy lies in empowering citizens, and Measure 2 seeks to take that power away.

Don’t be fooled by the confusion. Vote no on Measure 2 to preserve your freedom and your right to decide what happens in North Dakota. Let’s keep the power where it belongs—with the people.

Denise Dykeman

Minot, N.D.

Chair of North Dakotans

Protecting the Constitution

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