The Official Newspaper for Foster County

North Dakota Outdoors: Please report all poaching activity

I'll be the first to admit how rapidly the world has changed since I was a game warden. No need to explain more than technology has changed. Hunting has changed too. How people report poaching also. What hasn't changed is the spirit of a legal hunter. They don't want their pasttime tainted by an illegal hunting or fishing act.

The fishing story or hunting tale is legendary. Giving full details to all within earshot or online is part of the glory and how legends are made. It's the essence of why a legal hunter or angler doesn't want poaching to go unchecked.

It tarnishes the image of the legacy of hunting and fishing. That's not to say history is pure, but there never has or will be acceptance of an illegally taken deer. It's like cheating at pinochle or golf. You may win, but by doing on the sly, is it really that much of an accomplishment?

Back then and still today, when a story involves illegal taking of fish or wildlife, part of my response will include, "Did you report it?"

If you feel strongly about catching the poacher and stopping future incidents, a report needs to be made. Asking a game warden to just, "talk to them about it" is a waste of the warden's time. Poaching is stealing. It's the equivalent of a suspected thief at the local grocery store. Their stealing of steaks and profits is your deer and backstraps.

So, what should you do? What shouldn't you do?

Do not put yourself in harm's way. You may be a former law enforcement officer, but in this day and age of criminals using the outdoors as escape or cover for other illegal activity, the last thing you need to do is put you or the rest of your hunting party at risk.

Do not wait until the next time you see a game warden or meet at the monthly wildlife club meeting. Time is of the essence. In the day of mobile communication, the Game and Fish website ( can connect you with the game warden in the region you are hunting in real time.

Requested Violation Information

When reporting a game or fish violation, please provide as much of the following information as possible.

● Nature of violation.

● Location.

● Violator's name and address if known.

● Description of violator(s): (age, build, clothing, other features.)

● Vehicle description: (license number, make, year, color, other features.)

● Date and time of offense.

● Your name, address, and phone number (you can remain anonymous if you prefer).

● Names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses.

● Would you sign a complaint and testify if necessary?

The Report All Poaching program encourages people to report wildlife violations, remain anonymous if they prefer, and receive monetary rewards for convictions based on their information. Anonymous callers will be given a special code number and are not required to give their name.

Rewards range from $100 to $1,000 depending on the nature and seriousness of the crime.

Call 701-328-9921 to report game and fish violations.

Please don't feel pressured to contribute, the reward fund is supported by private donations. If you wish to donate to the RAP program, tax deductible contributions can be sent to RAP, Box 1091, Bismarck, ND, 58502-1091.

Stay safe, obey the rules and enjoy North Dakota's great outdoors.